Today is World Heart Day, the annual date to raise awareness and mobilise international action against cardiovascular disease (‘CVD’), bringing people together, engaging communities and advocating for universal access to CVD prevention, detection, and treatment.

As World Heart Day 2024 is requesting a global action plan to prevent CVD and protect communities from the world’s biggest killer, the RESIL-Card consortium and its partners are endorsing the appeal and showing their support to this global celebration of the heart.
Indeed, through its own mission, the RESIL-Card project will contribute to World Heart Day’s global objective – as it aims to enhance preparedness and resilience of the European cardiac care pathways thanks to the development and testing of a resilience assessment tool, hence reducing the CVD burden during crises and improving care for patients suffering from the disease.
As planned over the three years of the project, communication and dissemination actions will intend to raise awareness about this paramount need, and urge national leaders to take cardiovascular disease and care seriously to ultimately influence regional and national policies.
Until the resilience tool is ready and made widely available, stay tuned for future developments of the RESIL-Card’s project, and start spreading the word in your own country to help give hearts a voice and make cardiovascular health(care) a priority!